Village Voices

Village Voices

This is one of a series of films, entitled MAKING A DIFFERENCE, celebrating the men and women who have chosen to work, a long way from home, to try and make the world a better place.
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Easy as ABC - H is for Humankind

Easy as ABC - H is for Humankind

Easy as ABC – A series of 20 half-hour programmes on the aims and work of UNESCO.
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Background Shots for Security Council Session in Panama

Background Shots for Security Council Session in Panama

Background shots for Security Council session in Panama, including aerial views of Panama City, flags of UN member states, and the arrival of delegates.
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Arrival of UN Secretary-General for Security Council Session in Panama

Arrival of UN Secretary-General for Security Council Session in Panama

Outtakes and edited cut story depicting the arrival of UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim in Panama.
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Opening of Exhibition "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity"

Opening of Exhibition "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity"

UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar tours the opening of an exhibit entitled "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity."
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Statements at Opening of Exhibit "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity"

Statements at Opening of Exhibit "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity"

UN Secretary-General and representatives of Poland, the Auschwitz Museum, the International Auschwitz Committee, and the US Holocaust Memorial Council make statements at the opening of the exhibit entitled "Auschwitz: A Crime Against Humanity."
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Press Conference: Ukraine Humanitarian and Refugee Response Plans 2025 Launch Event

Press Conference: Ukraine Humanitarian and Refugee Response Plans 2025 Launch Event

Press briefing ahead of the launch of the 2025 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan and the Regional Refugee Response Plan for Ukraine.
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7588th Security Council Meeting: Situation in Syria

7588th Security Council Meeting: Situation in Syria

The Security Council today endorsed a road map for a peace process in Syria, setting out an early-January timetable for United Nations-facilitated talks between the Government and opposition members, as well as the outlines of a nationwide ceasefire to begin as soon as the parties concerned had taken initial steps towards a political transition.
Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish
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Russia and US Brief Media on Middle East

Russia and US Brief Media on Middle East

Informal comments to the media by Sergey Lavrov, Ministrer of Foreign Affairs (Russian Federation) and John Kerry (United States of America Secretary of State) on the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic.
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Saving 37,000 Discs and Preserving UN Audio Heritage

Saving 37,000 Discs and Preserving UN Audio Heritage

The United Nations observes World Audiovisual Heritage Day on October 27th. During a hot summer in New York Headquarters, a team of archivists worked around the clock to protect almost 40,000 records.
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