General Assembly
Water for Life: Progress Achieved and Lessons learned for Sustainable Development - part 1
Water is essential for life on this planet – it is the source and foundation of all living things.
The ‘Water for Life’ Decade (2005-2015) was declared by the General Assembly to further efforts to achieve internationally agreed water-related goals.
At the crossroads between the end of the Decade and the beginning of the Post-2015 Development agenda, it is timely to review the achievements and gaps of the ‘Water for Life’ Decade and discuss how lessons learned can be translated into concrete actions for sustainable water management in the new development agenda.
The High-level Interactive Dialogue was mandated by United Nations General Assembly resolution 69/215.
The one-day High-level Interactive Dialogue will consist of an opening session in the morning followed by morning and afternoon interactive multi-stakeholder panel discussions.
Morning segment - Comprehensive Review of “Water for Life” Decade: What progress has been achieved during the Decade and what challenges persist?