Side Events

Event on Potential of Islamic Finance

Side Event on Achieving SDGs - Unleashing the Potential of Islamic Capital Market in Impact Investing, organized by the Permanent Mission of Malaysia to the United Nations.
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The scale of funding and technical support required to achieve the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are far beyond the scope of individual governments and multilateral funding agencies. Private sector funding, capabilities, and know-how need to be mobilized within the global partnership for sustainable development to fill this funding gap and to operationalize the policies and actions outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.

The panel, organized by UNDP, in partnership with the Government of Malaysia and the IsDB, will discuss how Islamic finance can crowd in new sources and instruments for development financing focusing both on new instruments – particularly Green Sukuk - and investors - especially Institutional Investors and funds. The panel will raise awareness and increase the audience’s understanding of the gaps and opportunities within the Islamic Finance ecosystem, by highlighting the linkages and opportunities for collaboration among various stakeholders. This event will also build upon the findings of the report “I for Impact: Blending Islamic Finance and Impact Investing for the Global Goals” and discuss opportunities for broader implementation of Islamic finance towards meeting current development financing gaps.

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