Security Council

3622nd Meeting of Security Council: Situation in Middle East - UNIFIL

Security Council extends the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) until 31 July at 3622nd meeting.
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The Security Council this afternoon extended the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for a further six months, until 31 July.

Through its unanimous adoption of resolution 1039 (1996), the Council restated its strong support for Lebanon's territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within internationally recognized boundaries, and asked the Secretary-General to continue consultations with the Government of Lebanon and other parties directly concerned.

The Council urged the parties to put an end to all acts of violence committed in particular against the Force, and called upon all parties concerned to cooperate fully with the Force in the implementation of its mandate.

The Council also welcomed the streamlining of the Force, to be completed by May 1996. It stressed the need to continue efforts to achieve further savings by rationalizing the Force's administrative and support services, provided they do not affect its operational capacity.

Also this afternoon, through a statement read out by its President, Sir John Weston (United Kingdom), the Council expressed concern over the continuing violence in southern Lebanon, regretted the loss of civilian life, and urged all parties to exercise restraint.

Reaffirming its commitment to Lebanon's sovereignty and national unity within its internationally recognized boundaries, the Council asserted that any State shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State.

The Council again stressed the urgent need for the full implementation of that resolution 425 (1978). It restated its full support for the Taif Agreement and for the continued efforts of the Lebanese Government to consolidate peace, national unity and security in the country, while successfully carrying out the reconstruction process. It also commended the Government for its successful effort to extend its authority in the south of the country, in coordination with UNIFIL.

The meeting, which was called to order at 3:48 p.m., adjourned at 3:52 p.m.

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