Security Council

3654th Meeting of Security Council: Situation in Israel and Lebanon - Part 1

Security Council calls for the immediate end to hostilities in Lebanon, expresses support for diplomatic efforts at the 3654th meeting.

Resolution 1052 Adopted Unanimously; Arab-Sponsored Draft Resolution Condemning Israel Rejected.

Acting on two draft resolutions on the situation in Lebanon, the Security Council this evening called for an immediate cessation of hostilities by all parties in the fighting there and declared its support for ongoing diplomatic efforts to that end, after rejecting an Arab-sponsored draft that would have strongly condemned Israeli aggression.

Unanimously adopting resolution 1052 (1996), the Council deplored the Thursday, 18 April, shelling that caused a heavy loss of civilian lives at the site of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). The Council also reaffirmed its commitment to Lebanon's territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence and the security of all States in the region, calling upon all concerned to fully respect those policies. They are also called upon to respect UNIFIL's safety, security and freedom of movement and to allow it to fulfil its mandate without any interference.

Calling upon Member States to offer humanitarian help to alleviate the population's suffering and to help the Lebanese Government reconstruct the country, the Council requested the Secretary-General to ensure that the United Nations and its agencies played their part in meeting civilian humanitarian needs.

An earlier draft resolution sponsored by 19 Arab States was not adopted, with only four votes in favour (China, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia) to none against, and 11 abstentions. By its terms, Israel would have been called upon to withdraw its forces from all Lebanese territory and been held responsible for compensating Lebanon.

On Monday, when 32 speakers addressed the Council on Lebanon, the representative of Lebanon had asked the Council to order Israel to stop its attacks, which were then in their fifth day. Today, Lebanon's representative expressed regret at the Council's delay in acting and deplored the fact that the Arab-sponsored resolution was not adopted.

During tonight's discussions, many delegations called for the violence to stop, for negotiations to be pursued, expressed condolences to the families of the innocent victims and sought international humanitarian assistance for Lebanon.

Statements were made by the representatives of Egypt, Indonesia, Honduras, China, Germany, Guinea-Bissau, Poland, Republic of Korea, Botswana, France, Italy (also speaking for the European Union), Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States, Chile, Israel, Norway, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Cuba, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Iran.

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