Press Conferences

Security Council's programme of work for September - Press Conference

Press conference by Samuel Žbogar, Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations, and President of the Security Council during the month of September 2024, on its agenda..
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The Security Council's programme of work for September — a "special challenge" due to its intersection with both the General Assembly's High-level Week and the Summit of the Future — will focus on reinforcing weakening trust between nations and respect for international law, its President for the month told reporters.

Samuel Žbogar of Slovenia, which holds the 15-member organ's rotating presidency for September, noted the many changes since his country first held the Council presidency 25 years ago. "But there is one thing that remains the same — the responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security," he stressed. Therefore, the central premise of Slovenia's presidency will be the urgent need to restore political will and strengthen an eroding global order.

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