Security Council
Sudan and South Sudan - Security Council, 9722nd meeting
The ongoing conflict in Sudan has worsened the humanitarian crisis in Darfur and destabilized the region, the Security Council heard today from the head of the subsidiary body concerning that country, who also noted conflicting parties’ use of heavy weaponry in the capital city of North Darfur.
The representative of the Republic of Korea, Chair of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning Sudan, briefed the Council on the Committee’s work from 14 June to date.
On 19 August, the Committee heard a presentation by the Sudan Panel of Experts on its interim report, which provided an overview of the deteriorating situation in El Fasher. There, all parties to conflict have used “heavy weaponry”, resulting in civilian casualties, mass displacement and the destruction of critical civilian infrastructure.
The Panel stated that, in addition to worsening the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, the conflict has destabilized the region.
Deputy Permanent Representative of UAE to the United Nations, Mohamed Issa Abushahab addresses the Security Council (in English)