TRT: 2.35
1. Wide shot, exterior United Nations headquarters
2. Wide shot, Security Council
3. Med shot, delegates
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Yukio Takasu, Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations:
“In line with its mandate to examine and take appropriate action on information regarding alleged sanctions violations, the Committee has studied these reports carefully and notes with grave concern an apparent pattern of sanctions violations involving prohibited arms transfers from Iran.”
5. Med shot, delegates
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Susan Rice, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations:
“Iran has now been caught breaking the rules repeatedly. In today’s report the committee expressed its grave concern about the ‘apparent pattern of sanctions violations involving prohibited arms transfers from Iran’. The 1737 Committee has documented in great detail, Iran’s habit of violating this Council’s resolutions. Such violations are unacceptable; the illicit smuggling of weapons from Iran to Syria is not just a sanctions violation, it is also an important factor in the destabilization of an already fragile Middle East.”
7. Med shot, delegates
8. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) O.A. Dabbashi, Deputy Permanent Representative of Lybia to the United Nations:
“According to the General Assembly relevant resolutions, the International Atomic Energy Agency must inspect the Israel Dimona rector so that Israel is not above the law, otherwise all states in the Middle East will ask, why shouldn’t I have the right to posses such weapons?”
9. Wide shot, Security Council
10. Tracking shot, Grant walks to the microphone
11. Med shot, cameraman
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Mark Lyall Grant, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations:
“The United Kingdom has made clear that we want all countries to join the NPT, and that includes the nuclear weapons states that are currently outside the NPT. Our position has been very consistent on that, and these issues will be looked at in the context of the NPT Review Conference in the course of next year. But that shouldn’t divert our attention from the real and immediate thereat of proliferation both in North Korea and in Iran and that is an issue which we need to tackle now.”
13. Tracking shot, Grant walks away from the microphone
A new report by a Security Council sanctions committee released today (10 December) expresses “grave concern” about two recent incidents of intercepted cargo containing arms related material being shipped to Syria from Iran.
The report presented to the Security Council by Japanese Ambassador Yukio Takasu notes “an apparent pattern of sanctions violations” involving prohibited arms transfers from Iran. The report added that the cargo was retained, unloaded and stored, ensuring that the items will neither be allowed to reach their intended destination nor returned to their origin.
American Ambassador Susan Rice addressing the Council said that Iran “has now been caught breaking the rules repeatedly” and added that such illicit smuggling of weapons “is not just a sanctions violation, it is also an important factor in the destabilization of an already fragile Middle East”.
Rice said that tougher sanctions may be put in place next year over Iran’s nuclear program.
Libyan Ambassador O.A. Dabbashi dismissed the new allegations against Iran and accused Israel of destabilizing the region with its own nuclear weapons programme. He said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “must inspect the Israel Dimona rector so that Israel is not above the law, otherwise all states in the Middle East will ask, why shouldn’t I have the right to posses such weapons?”
Outside the Security Council, British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant responded to Dabbashi saying that the United Kingdom wants all countries to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), including “the nuclear weapons states that are currently outside the NPT”, but added that this issue “shouldn’t divert our attention from the real and immediate threat of proliferation both in North Korea and in Iran and that is an issue which we need to tackle now.”
Only four states are not parties to the NPT, India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea. Iran is a signatory to the treaty but officials have hinted at a possible withdrawal.
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