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TRT: 2:42
1. Exteriors of Palais des Nations
2. SOUNDBITE (English) – Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of the Americas, Europe and Central Asia Branch, OHCHR:
“The main development in the past four weeks is the increase in the level of hostilities in the conflict in the east of Ukraine which has resulted in higher numbers of people being killed. The figures that we have put into the report – which goes from 16 July to 17 August – are 2,220, as of the 17 of August. But we can say to you, as it is visible also from the press release, that number has gone up to 2,593 as of 27 August, which is an average of 36 people killed per day; whereas last month, considering the total at the time, we had about an average of 11 people killed on a daily basis. This is an increase of almost 300 percent.”
3. Med shot journalists
4. SOUNDBITE (English) – Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of the Americas, Europe and Central Asia Branch, OHCHR:
“There is effectively a reign of fear and terror within the pocket areas controlled by armed groups. That has not changed – it actually might have become even worse. With the appalling situation where civilians wanting to flee those areas and to move away from areas of conflict are actually prevented from doing so and in some cases there have been reported instances of civilians killed while they were using so-called safe corridors.”
5. Med shot journalist
6. SOUNDBITE (English) – Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of the Americas, Europe and Central Asia Branch, OHCHR:
“There has to be certainly an end to impunity and a degree of accountability for all violations, no matter who might have committed those violations, and there is a need to do more to protect civilians especially, because of the increased operations and fighting going on in certain parts of the east.”
7. Med shot journalist
8. SOUNDBITE (English) – Gianni Magazzeni, Chief of the Americas, Europe and Central Asia Branch, OHCHR:
“With respect to MH17, of course even the crash site has not been secured. In spite of calls by President Poroshenko that that be so and that that would allow independent investigators to be able to do as good a job in identifying what’s happening and collecting the remains and collecting any evidence that may be necessary for the investigation and possible prosecutions of those responsible. So I cannot say more than that but that is where we are.”
9. Med shot journalists
The number of people killed every day, on average, in parts of eastern Ukraine has increased by almost 300 percent in the past few weeks, according to a new report by issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The report covers the period from 16 July to 17 August. It says that from mid-April to 17 August 2,220 people have been killed in the country. As of 27 August, that figure has increased to 2,593, which is an average of 36 people killed per day. Just a month ago, an average of 11 people were being killed on a daily basis.
A senior OHCHR official, Gianni Magazzeni, said that there is a reign of fear and terror within the areas controlled by armed groups. He says that civilians fleeing the intense and prolonged fighting in eastern Ukraine have been targeted and killed, and others have been prevented by armed groups from leaving the cities of Lugansk and Donetsk. He said that in some cases, civilians using so-called ‘safe’ corridors, established by Ukrainian forces to enable residents to flee from these cities, have been killed or injured.
The report documents a wide array of serious human rights abuses committed primarily by armed groups who have seized control over a large part of the eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk since mid-April. It also documents violations committed by Ukrainian forces as they try to recapture territory where armed groups are active.
The study says that violations of serious human rights abuses by armed groups have continued, including abductions involving physical and psychological torture and ill-treatment of detainees, with many subjected to forced labor. As of 17 August, at least 468 people are believed to be have been detained by various armed groups.
There have also been reports of human rights violations, such as arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances and torture, committed by the Ukrainian territorial and special battalions.
Magazzeni said that everyone who violated international humanitarian law must be held accountable: “There has to be certainly an end to impunity and a degree of accountability for all violations, no matter who might have committed those violations, and there is a need to do more to protect civilians especially, because of the increased operations and fighting going on in certain parts of the east.”