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TRT: 5.17
1. Pan right, exterior United Nations headquarters
2. Wide shot, Security Council
3. Med shot, US President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, King of Jordan:
“There has to be a zero tolerance policy to any country, organization, or individual that facilitates, supports or finances terror groups or provides weapons or promotes propaganda, whether through media outlets or misusing religious clerics, that incites or helps recruit fighters to these terrorist groups. Compliance must also be absolute. Countries cannot comply in one theatre while making mischief in another.”
5. Wide shot, Security Council
6. SOUNDBITE (English) David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom:
“This has nothing to do with the religion of Islam, the religion of peace. And we need Muslim country after Muslim country and Muslim leader after Muslim leader to speak out as the King of Jordan did so clearly today, condemning these people that say that speak in the name of Islam when they do no such thing.”
7. Med shot, Obama and Ban at the dais
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, President of Argentina:
“Not even a year ago, the possibility that the Syrian government was the great enemy was being considered, and that those fighting against it were freedom fighters. Well, we now know that that many of the freedom fighters are now part of ISIS. Then, who were those who were feeding the opposition giving them weapons and resources as freedom fighters? .”
9. Wide shot, Security Council
10. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation:
“Russia has consistently advocated international cooperation to curb terrorism in any form and abandoning double standards diving good terrorism and bad terrorism. We need all states to implement the resolutions and decisions of the UN Security Council that call for ending incitement to terrorism and closing out all channels of oil trafficking and establish sanctions against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and also that prohibit the dissemination of weapons from Syria.”
11. Med shot, Obama
12. SOUNDBITE (Chinese) Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China:
“Social media has become a battlefield for terrorists and extremist groups to spread their ideology and to plan terrorists attacks and a platform to recruit terrorists. With progress of information technology some young people are susceptible to extreme ideas and demagoguery from terrorist forces. We must stay alert for terrorist organizations and extremist ideologies are competing with us for the future generations.”
13. Med shot, President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
14. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister of Iraq:
“Iraq has been successful in halting the progress of ISIL with the use of our heroic security forces and our courageous people who have responded to the call of the religious and spiritual leaders in Najaf as well as the political leadership. Iraq has also succeeded in achieving a peaceful transition of power and creating a national alliance according to a specific time table and this is a priority for confronting terrorism.”
15. Wide shot, Security Council
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of Turkey:
“The threat of foreign terrorist fighters starts the moment these individuals depart from the source country. The combat against these individuals should start in the source countries and our initial target therefore for us is to prevent the entry into Turkey and for a long time we have been calling upon the countries concerned to cooperate with us.”
17. Wide shot, Security Council
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya:
“Half the terrorists who executed the Westgate attack were foreigners drawn from ranks that had come to fight alongside al-Shabbab. Tragically, the pool of foreign fighters is also being drawn from our own children in Kenya and the region. The alarming rise of ISIL is also driven by the phenomenon of foreign fighters.”
19. Med shot, French President Francois Hollande
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Barack Obama, President of the United States:
“I want to reaffirm that the United States will be committed not simply to a military approach but that we also are deeply committed to working with every single country that is prepared to cooperate in making sure that the scourge of terrorism and the use of foreign fighters for perverted ambitions is supported, and that we are going to make sure that we reach out to each of you individually to find out how we can be helpful and cooperative with you.”
21. Pan right, exterior United Nations headquarters
The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution today (24 Sept) condemning violent extremism and calling on states to prevent the movement of terrorists or terrorist groups by effective border controls and controls on issuance of identity papers and travel documents.
King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein of Jordan told the Council that “there has to be a zero tolerance policy to any country, organization, or individual that facilitates, supports or finances terror groups or provides weapons or promotes propaganda, whether through media outlets or misusing religious clerics, that incites or helps recruit fighters to these terrorist groups. Compliance must also be absolute.”
He added that “countries cannot comply in one theatre while making mischief in another.”
Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom welcomed King Hussein’s statements and said “we need Muslim country after Muslim country and Muslim leader after Muslim leader to speak out as the King of Jordan did so clearly today, condemning these people that say that speak in the name of Islam when they do no such thing.”
President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina commented that “not even a year ago, the possibility that the Syrian government was the great enemy was being considered, and that those fighting against it were freedom fighters. Well, we now know that that many of the freedom fighters are now part of ISIS. Then, who were those who were feeding the opposition giving them weapons and resources as freedom fighters?”
Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation said that Russia “has consistently advocated international cooperation to curb terrorism in any form and abandoning double standards diving good terrorism and bad terrorism.”
Lavrov said “we need all states to implement the resolutions and decisions of the UN Security Council that call for ending incitement to terrorism and closing out all channels of oil trafficking and establish sanctions against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and also that prohibit the dissemination of weapons from Syria.”
Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of China said “social media has become a battlefield for terrorists and extremist groups to spread their ideology and to plan terrorist attacks and a platform to recruit terrorists.”
Yi noted that “with progress of information technology some young people are susceptible to extreme ideas and demagoguery from terrorist forces.”
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of Iraq said that “Iraq has been successful in halting the progress of ISIL with the use of our heroic security forces and our courageous people who have responded to the call of the religious and spiritual leaders in Najaf as well as the political leadership. Iraq has also succeeded in achieving a peaceful transition of power and creating a national alliance according to a specific time table and this is a priority for confronting terrorism.”
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey said “the threat of foreign terrorist fighters starts the moment these individuals depart from the source country. The combat against these individuals should start in the source countries and our initial target therefore for us is to prevent the entry into Turkey and for a long time we have been calling upon the countries concerned to cooperate with us.”
President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya said “half the terrorists who executed the Westgate attack were foreigners drawn from ranks that had come to fight alongside al-Shabbab. Tragically, the pool of foreign fighters is also being drawn from our own children in Kenya and the region. The alarming rise of ISIL is also driven by the phenomenon of foreign fighters.”
In closing, President Barack Obama of the United States , who presided the session, said “I want to reaffirm that the United States will be committed not simply to a military approach but that we also are deeply committed to working with every single country that is prepared to cooperate in making sure that the scourge of terrorism and the use of foreign fighters for perverted ambitions is supported, and that we are going to make sure that we reach out to each of you individually to find out how we can be helpful and cooperative with you.”
The resolution decided that Member States shall "prevent and suppress the recruiting, organizing, transporting or equipping of individuals who travel to a State other than their State of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, and the financing of their travel and of their activities…"
It underscored "the particular and urgent need to implement this resolution with respect to those foreign terrorist fighters who are associated with ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant], ANF [Al-Nusrah Front] and other cells, affiliates, splinter groups or derivatives of Al-Qaida…"