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Today in Lisbon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, addressed the opening ceremony of the 2022 Ocean Conference, along with the leaders of the two co-hosting nations – Portugal and Kenya and warned that we have taken the ocean for granted, and today we face what he would call an “Ocean Emergency”, adding that "we must now turn the tide." UNIFEED

TRT: 05:42


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1. Various shots, Altice Arena exterior, Ocean Conference’s venue
2. Zoom out, marine ecosystem at Oceanario de Lisboa


3. Wide shot, Portugal and UN flags after flag-raising ceremony


3. Various shots, Ocean Conference’s family photo
4. Wide shot, Ocean Conference Plenary
5. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations:
“I declare open the 2022 United Nations Conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14, conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development I call to order its first plenary meeting.”
6. Med shot, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal and Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya
7. Wide shot, Guterres walks up to the podium
8. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations:
“When we see the Earth from space, we truly appreciate that we live on a blue planet. The ocean connects us all. Sadly, we have taken the ocean for granted, and today we face what I would call an Ocean Emergency. We must turn the tide.”
9. Med shot, delegates applauding
10. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations:
“We cannot have a healthy planet without a healthy ocean. Our failure to care for the ocean will have ripple effects across the entire 2030 Agenda. The ocean produces more than half of the oxygen we breathe. It is the main source of sustenance for more than one billion people. And industries relating to the ocean employ some 40 million people. And a healthy and productive ocean is vital to our shared future.”
11. Wide shot, Rebelo de Sousa at the podium
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President, Portugal:
“Portugal is what it is because of the oceans. Portugal, a platform between oceans, continents, cultures, civilizations. In the past, in the present in the future. Sometimes succeeding others failing, but always present and building bridges as these fruitful go organization with Kenya, another bridge builder.”
13. Wide shot, Kenyatta at the podium
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Uhuru Kenyatta, President, Kenya:
“If we manage the ocean more sustainably, it could produce as much as six times more food, generate 40 times more renewable energy than it currently does, and help lift millions of people across the globe out of poverty and increase economic as well as environmental resilience.”
15. Wide shot, Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez at the podium
16. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Iván Duque Márquez, President, Colombia:
“Trawling is the equivalent to deforestation of the seas. Because trawling destroys coral reefs, and by doing that generates a release of carbon dioxide only comparable to the emissions generated by the aviation industry every year. But on top of that, by destroying the coral reefs, it is risking globally the habitat of 45 percent of marine life.”
17. Med shot, delegates applauding
18. Various shots, Guterres and Duque bilateral meeting
19. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations:
“Our oceans are issuing an SOS. They are struggling, heating and acidifying. Corals are dying. Coastal ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses and wetlands, are being degraded. Fisheries are being depleted and the ocean is choking in plastic waste. We must work together to right these wrongs”
20. Wide shot, Jason Momoa and interviewer
21. Med shot, Momoa’s children
22. SOUNDBITE (English) Jason Momoa, Actor and Ocean Activist:
“The world is - literally - it's dumpster fires every day that we're trying to put out. And this is the most important, it's our world. While there's everything is important, it's like, if we don't do something now and make some change and stop people from just talking and actually doing action, because the truth of it is with the next generation is, with my babies and your babies and the grandchildren coming. It's like they're the ones that we're doing it for. For the generation that doesn't get it. They are too stubborn and old. Don't want to make that change, the next generation has to do it.”
23Wide shot, Momoa and children

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Today (27 Jun) in Lisbon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, addressed the opening ceremony of the 2022 Ocean Conference, along with the leaders of the two co-hosting nations – Portugal and Kenya and warned that we have taken the ocean for granted, and today we face what he would call an “Ocean Emergency”, adding that "we must now turn the tide."

The Secretary-General emphasized that “we cannot have a healthy planet without a healthy ocean” and that “our failure to care for the ocean will have ripple effects across the entire 2030 Agenda.”

He called on all to do their part to make a difference for the oceans.

The Co-Chair and host of the Conference, the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, told the Plenary that “Portugal is what it is because of the oceans.”

He said, “Portugal, a platform between oceans, continents, cultures, civilizations. In the past, in the present in the future. Sometimes succeeding others failing, but always present and building bridges as these fruitful go organization with Kenya, another bridge builder.”

The other Co-Chair, the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, said, “if we manage the ocean more sustainably, it could produce as much as six times more food, generate 40 times more renewable energy than it currently does, and help lift millions of people across the globe out of poverty and increase economic as well as environmental resilience.”

Also speaking at the Plenary, Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez spoke about the destructive fishing practice of trawling.

He said, “trawling is the equivalent to deforestation of the seas. Because trawling destroys coral reefs, and by doing that generates a release of carbon dioxide only comparable to the emissions generated by the aviation industry every year. But on top of that, by destroying the coral reefs, it is risking globally the habitat of 45 percent of marine life.”

Also today, during a press encounter the Secretary-General warned that our oceans “are issuing an SOS” and stressed that “we must work together to right these wrongs.”

And, during the Ocean Conference, star and activist Jason Momoa, who is also in Portugal for the conference, was designated as the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Advocate for Life Below Water.
The Aquaman actor, who has worked with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii and repurpose Global organizations, described how humbled he felt to be entrusted with the responsibility to promote ocean health.

He said, “the world is - literally - it's dumpster fires every day that we're trying to put out. And this is the most important, it's our world. While there's everything is important, it's like, if we don't do something now and make some change and stop people from just talking and actually doing action, because the truth of it is with the next generation is, with my babies and your babies and the grandchildren coming. It's like they're the ones that we're doing it for. For the generation that doesn't get it. They are too stubborn and old. Don't want to make that change, the next generation has to do it.”

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