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The United Nations Mission in South Sudan is supporting initiatives to prepare and educate women parliamentarians on their new roles in the country’s future. UNMISS

TRT: 3:17


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1. Various shots, women parliamentarian training


2. SOUNDBITE (English) Elisabeth Haynes-Sageder, Head of Juba Field Office, United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS):
“UNMISS Juba field office remains very much committed and, through its various substantive sections in this new phase of the parliament, will engage with the Women Caucus through capacity building, capacity strengthening, supporting the development of your strategic plans, and continuing to work with male champions as well withing the parliament to support the promotion of discussions and initiatives on gender equality and the empowerment of women within the parliament and beyond.”
3. Med shot, head table
4. Close up, head table guests
5. Close up, Jackline Apath
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jackline Apath, Chairperson, Gender Child Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs:
“It is important for us to have this caucus because for us as women, we have women in the grassroots, and we have women’s activists, and we need to sit down and impress the peace together and move forward together as women of Central Equatoria State. So, it is important for us to have women’s caucus, which is bringing women together at grass root levels, so we listen to their views so that we can be able to represent their problems at our Assembly.”
7. Wide shot, women seated at tables
8. Close up, head table guests
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Wait John, Secretary General Women Parliamentary Caucus:
“Our aim is to back up or to support issues that related to gender-based violence. For instance, last time, there is an incident that has happened in Wau, in Northern Bahr El Ghazal of Wau, which was the defilement and raping of a late child. At the particular time, the women’s parliamentary caucus came out and condemned that, so we are there to back up to support issues in case if there is something bad that has happened to a woman or a child, we condemn that.”
10. Wide shot, women, singing and clapping.

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The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is supporting initiatives to prepare and educate women parliamentarians on their new roles in the country’s future.

The Women Caucus is a non-partisan organization that aims to bring together all women parliamentarians to work for the development and promotion of all women within South Sudan.

They convened a 3-day conference to initiate the Women’s Caucus for the first time for the women at the Central Equatoria state level so that they could collectively stand on issues that affect women and girls.

Ever since the major inclusion of women in the revitalized peace agreement, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has moved to support more initiatives like the Women’s Caucus.

The caucus is meant to strengthen women leaders with further knowledge and skills to effectively undertake the legislative representative and oversight function, particularly in women’s rights and gender equality.

The Central Equatoria state government has made important advancements in women’s leadership and participation by appointing more women in the leadership and decision-making portfolios.

According to the UNMISS Juba Head of Field Office, Elisabeth Haynes-Sageder, more legislation, and the government’s political will are needed to be more gender-responsive to include women’s voices and experiences.

Without women’s voices, legislation, including the national state budget, will trigger gender inequality.

She suggested that the program, over the next three days, should focus on creating an enabling environment, eliminating social barriers, supporting institutional change, and strengthening the capacity of potential and actual women leaders.

SOUNDBITE (English) Elisabeth Haynes-Sageder, UNMISS Head of Juba Field Office:
“UNMISS Juba field office remains very much committed and, through its various substantive sections in this new phase of the parliament, will engage with the Women Caucus through capacity building, capacity strengthening, supporting the development of your strategic plans, and continuing to work with male champions as well withing the parliament to support the promotion of discussions and initiatives on gender equality and the empowerment of women within the parliament and beyond.”

The 3-day launch brought together women from a cross-section of society in Central Equatoria State.

Some were familiar with each other, while most were meeting for the first time.

The women were given a presentation of the Mandate of UNMISS and will be introduced to the Constitution of South Sudan and informed of its roles while also being trained in Leadership skills and the work of the Caucus.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jackline Apath, Chairperson, Gender Child Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs:
“It is important for us to have this caucus because for us as women, we have women in the grassroots, and we have women’s activists, and we need to sit down and impress the peace together and move forward together as women of Central Equatoria State. So, it is important for us to have Women Caucus, which is bringing women together at grass root levels, so we listen to their views so that we can be able to represent their problems at our Assembly.”

Gender equality has been one of the main issues women of the Women Caucus have been championing.

They want the Government and other stakeholders to employ women.

They feel that women are keeping the peace in South Sudan, which is one of the main reasons they need Gender Equality, coupled with the capacity building to have an educated voice on women’s issues in the country.

The Women’s Caucus Chairperson feels that adding more women to their organization would make them a more robust presence when addressing issues that affect women, especially those related to gender-based violence.

SOUNDBITE (English) Wait John, Secretary General Women Parliamentary Caucus:
“Our aim is to back up or to support issues that related to gender-based violence. For instance, last time, there is an incident that has happened in Wau, in Northern Bahr El Ghazal of Wau, which was the defilement and raping of a late child. At the particular time, the women’s parliamentary caucus came out and condemned that, so we are there to back up to support issues in case if there is something bad that has happened to a woman or a child, we condemn that.”

At the end of the 3-day workshop, the Women Caucus hope to have an agreed-upon constitution to guide them moving forward so that they will have a strong voice as the country nears elections.

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