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UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, Kelly T. Clements, today called on the international community to intensify efforts to improve the situation of refugees and migrants in the Americas, as she concluded a two-day visit to Panama. UNHCR

TRT: 06:21


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1. Various shots, Juana López Córdoba, Vice Minister of Interior Panama, Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, ONPAR director Lorenzo Hincapié and Jozef Merkx, Representative UNHCR Multi Country Office Panama, in a focus group discussion with refugees
2. Various shots, ONPAR office in Metetí
3. Various shots, Government officials and UNHCR staff arrive in San Vicente to run through the Temporary Migrant Reception Centre (ETRM) managed by the Panamanian Government.
4. Various shots, one of the dormitories at the ETRM of San Vicente
5. Various shots, Government officials and UNHCR staff participating in a focus group discussion with families of Ecuadorian origin at the UNHCR protection desk in the ETRM of San Vicente
6. Various shots, ‘Confía en el Tucán’ (Trust the Toucan) initiative located at the ETRM of San Vicente, Darien. TikTok and Facebook pages for ‘Confía en el Tucán’ were created by UNHCR aiming to combat misinformation about the Darien jungle
7. Various shots, refugees and migrants walking to buses to leave from the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
8. Various shots, a large group of refugees and migrants at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
9. Various shots, a group of refugees and migrants resting by the river at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien, where elevated temperatures are frequent
10. Various shots, UNHCR staff talking to refugees and migrants at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
11. Med shot, a refugee rests at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
12. Various shots, UNHCR tents at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien, equipped with electric fans
13. Various shots, displaced Venezuelan woman is seen sitting by her tent at the UNHCR tent at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien. Her son sleeps beside her
14. Various of UNHCR staff talking to refugees and migrants at the UNHCR tent at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
15. Wide shot, displaced Venezuelan girl sitting and looking at the jungle at the UNHCR tent at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Kelly T. Clements, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):
“I am back in Darien. I was here just a few months ago, and unfortunately, we have seen record numbers of forced displacement in the region and the number of people coming through the Darien has increased substantially since last year. Over half a million people have picked up and left their homes seeking safety, and support.”
17. Med shot, displaced Venezuelan girl sitting and looking at the jungle at the UNHCR tent at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Kelly T. Clements, UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR):
“Now, one could despair with these stories of heartbreak. But there is also reason for hope. We are inaugurating today, a commitment that the government of Panama has made to allow asylum seekers the right to seek asylum. Here is an official office for the government of Panama, here in Darien, so that asylum seekers can tell their stories so that they can offer protection, international protection, to those who have fled violence and persecution.”
19. Close up, displaced Venezuelan girl sitting and looking at the jungle at the UNHCR tent at the ETRM of Lajas Blancas, Darien

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UN Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, Kelly T. Clements, today (26 Jan) called on the international community to intensify efforts to improve the situation of refugees and migrants in the Americas, as she concluded a two-day visit to Panama.

As the situation deteriorates, we require greater cooperation and support from the international community to provide vulnerable people with alternatives to dangerous and irregular journeys in the Americas", Clements said.

Clements's visit comes as the number of refugees and migrants crossing the Darien jungle between Colombia and Panama on foot last year reached 520,000 - the highest ever recorded. So far this year, over 23,000 people have undertaken this perilous journey.

Clements travelled to the Darien and attended the opening of a local branch of Panama’s National Refugee Office (ONPAR) in the town of Metetí, in the province of Darien. This office will ensure that individuals who crossed the Darien can seek asylum and have access to documentation and basic services.

The challenges posed by complex refugee and migrant movements in the Americas must be approached from a comprehensive and collaborative regional perspective, according to Clements.

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