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Following the Russian Federation’s veto in March of a Security Council resolution mandating renewal of the Panel of Experts assisting the sanctions committee on Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis expressed support for the “invaluable efforts and the integrity” of the Panel and called on the DPRK “to fully comply” with its binding obligations. UNIFEED

TRT: 03:53


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1. Wide shot, UN Headquarters


2. Wide shot, General Assembly
3. Wide shot, GA President Dennis Francis walks up to the rostrum
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, President, General Assembly, United Nations:
“The situation in the Korean Peninsula is disquieting, to say the least. It demands an urgent commitment to de-escalate tensions – and a renewed pledge to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to genuine dialogue and authentic cooperation.”
5. Wide shot, Francis at the rostrum
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Dennis Francis, President, General Assembly, United Nations:
“The recurrent launches are in clear violation of Security Council resolutions – and jeopardise regional and international peace and security. I hereby echo the strong call for the DPRK to fully comply with these binding obligations. Further, I express my support for the invaluable efforts and the integrity of the Panel of Experts assisting the Committee established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1718 of 2006.”
5. Wide shot, Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya walks up to rostrum
6. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Russian Federation:
“Russia has unfailingly been committed to its obligations under international law. And for those shedding crocodile tears, regarding the panel of experts of the 1718 committee, I would like to say that the 1718 sanctions committee continues to function. However, we cannot accept the idea of maintaining the status quo with regard to the North Korean file. We hope that going forward Council members will let their wisdom and interest in normalizing the situation on the Korean peninsula prevail. The indefinite maintenance of draconian restrictions is doomed to fail and is not in keeping with the requirements of the present day.”
7. Wide shot, DPRK Ambassador Kim Song walks up to rostrum
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Kim Song, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK):
“Sanction resolution of the UN Security Council, a product of the heinous hostile policy of the United States that trampled underfoot DPRK sovereignty, right to development, and existence. As such, they are a result of the history that it should have never made its appearance in the world. If DPRK position of self-defence nuclear weapon is a threat to international peace and security, as claimed by the United States and its followers, we should dully discuss first why the United States is not regarded as a threat to international peace and security, even though it is the only country in the world that used a nuclear weapon and conducted 1000 nuclear tests and innumerable ballistic missile launches.”
9. Wide shot, Republic of Korea representative Sunghoon Kim walks up to rostrum
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sunghoon Kim, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Republic of Korea:
“It is simply not true that we rushed to the voting. The vote followed an intensive five-week long negotiations. The Republic Korea even requested to postpone the voting by one week to avoid a veto. Russia insisted on a sunset clause for the DPRK to end the sanctions measures in 2025, unless the Council decides to extend it. Needless to say, none of the P3 or E10 could support that proposal. In this regard. It is disappointing that China did not come forward in defending the Security Council's essential mechanism, and instead abstained on the resolution.”
11. Wide shot, General Assembly

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Following the Russian Federation’s veto in March of a Security Council resolution mandating renewal of the Panel of Experts assisting the sanctions committee on Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), the President of the General Assembly, Dennis Francis today (11 Apr) expressed support for the “invaluable efforts and the integrity” of the Panel and called on the DPRK “to fully comply” with its binding obligations.

Francis said, “the situation in the Korean Peninsula is disquieting, to say the least. It demands an urgent commitment to de-escalate tensions – and a renewed pledge to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to genuine dialogue and authentic cooperation.”

He said, “the recurrent launches are in clear violation of Security Council resolutions – and jeopardise regional and international peace and security.”

Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told the meeting that Russia “has unfailingly been committed to its obligations under international law.”

Nebenzya said, “for those shedding crocodile tears, regarding the panel of experts of the 1718 committee, I would like to say that the 1718 sanctions committee continues to function. However, we cannot accept the idea of maintaining the status quo with regard to the North Korean file.”

He said, “the indefinite maintenance of draconian restrictions is doomed to fail and is not in keeping with the requirements of the present day.”

DPRK Ambassador Kim Song said the Council’s sanctions regime on the DPRK is “a product of the heinous hostile policy of the United States that trampled underfoot DPRK sovereignty, right to development, and existence.”

Song said “if DPRK position of self-defence nuclear weapon is a threat to international peace and security, as claimed by the United States and its followers, we should dully discuss first why the United States is not regarded as a threat to international peace and security, even though it is the only country in the world that used a nuclear weapon and conducted 1000 nuclear tests and innumerable ballistic missile launches.”

For his part, the representative of the Republic of Korea, Sunghoon Kim, told the General Assembly that “it is simply not true that we rushed to the voting” as the vote “followed an intensive five-week long negotiations,” and “even requested to postpone the voting by one week to avoid a veto.”

He said it was “disappointing that China did not come forward in defending the Security Council's essential mechanism, and instead abstained on the resolution.”

Amid growing criticism of inaction by the Security Council on the war in Ukraine, the General Assembly in April last year adopted a landmark resolution aimed at holding the five permanent Council members accountable for their use of veto.

By the text (document A/77/L.52), which was adopted without a vote, the Assembly decided that its President shall convene a formal meeting of the 193‑member organ within 10 working days of the casting of a veto by one or more permanent members of the Council and hold a debate on the situation as to which the veto was cast, provided that the Assembly does not meet in an emergency special session on the same situation.

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