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Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan told the General Assembly that “nothing exemplifies the UN's rotten values more than the advancement of a Palestinian statehood,” and stressed that the Palestinian Authority “doesn't meet the criteria for statehood.” UNIFEED

TRT: 04:06


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1. Wide shot, UN Headquarters


2. Wide shot, General Assembly Hall
3. Wide shot, US Ambassador Robert A. Wood at the GA rostrum
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations and Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs, United States:
“Premature actions here in New York, even with the best of intentions will not achieve statehood for the Palestinian people. As a member of the Security Council, the United States has a special responsibility to ensure that our actions further the cause of international peace and security and are consistent with the requirements of the UN Charter. As reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership, as set forth in Article four of the UN Charter.”
5. Wide shot, Wood at the rostrum
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations and Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs, United States:
“This vote does not reflect opposition to Palestinian statehood, but instead is an acknowledgment that it will only come from direct negotiations between the parties. The central focus of US policy prior to the October 7, Hamas terrorist attacks was to promote normalization between Israel and its Arab neighbours and as a critical element of the normalization package, generate tangible benefits in a political horizon to the Palestinian people.”
7. Wide shot, Palestine Ambassador Riyad H. Mansour at the GA rostrum
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Palestine:
“You cannot say that you support the two-state solution and stand idly by, while Israel is openly trying to destroy the Palestinian state, as openly confessed to by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.”
9. Wide shot, Mansour at the rostrum
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Riyad H. Mansour, Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Palestine:
“The admission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations is an unequivocal signal that Palestinian self-determination and statehood are not subject to the whims and will of the extremists in Israel. Our admission to the UN is long overdue, long overdue. It has been 75 years in the making.”
11. Wide shot, Israel Ambassador Gilad Erdan at the GA rostrum
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Israel:
“Nothing exemplifies the UN's rotten values more than the advancement of a Palestinian statehood.”
13. Wide shot, Erdan at the rostrum
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Israel:
“You have done nothing for the victims but have mobilized for the murders. It makes me want to vomit. Yes. Vomit. You know that the Palestinian Authority doesn't meet the criteria for statehood. No Palestinian leader, not a single one of them has even condemned Hamas or their massacre. You prefer another rogue state and to hell with the Jewish state.”
15. Wide shot, Erdan at the rostrum
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Israel:
“In the future, remember my words, students will study the fall of the UN. They will learn of this organization's moral bankruptcy and blindness. They will be taught that your indifference and hypocrisy is what brought the UN crashing down. But this is also what will prompt the establishment of a new world institution. A force for good one with a strong moral compass, democratic values, a body that will refuse to give dictators a free pass and terrorists a lifeline. Mark my words the UN's days are numbered.”
17. Wide shot, Erdan walks away

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Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan today (1 May) told the General Assembly that “nothing exemplifies the UN's rotten values more than the advancement of a Palestinian statehood,” and stressed that the Palestinian Authority “doesn't meet the criteria for statehood.”

The General Assembly was debating a special report from the Security Council on the United States’ veto of a draft resolution in connection with the admission of Palestine as a Member State.

US Ambassador Robert A. Wood told the meeting that “premature actions here in New York, even with the best of intentions will not achieve statehood for the Palestinian people.”

Wood noted that “as reflected in the report of the admission committee, there was not unanimity among committee members as to whether the applicant met the criteria for membership, as set forth in Article four of the UN Charter.”

He said, “this vote does not reflect opposition to Palestinian statehood, but instead is an acknowledgment that it will only come from direct negotiations between the parties.”

Palestine Ambassador Riyad H. Mansour said, “you cannot say that you support the two-state solution and stand idly by, while Israel is openly trying to destroy the Palestinian state, as openly confessed to by the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.”

Mansour said, “the admission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations is an unequivocal signal that Palestinian self-determination and statehood are not subject to the whims and will of the extremists in Israel.”

He said, “our admission to the UN is long overdue, long overdue. It has been 75 years in the making.”

Erdan, for his part told the members of the General Assembly that they “have done nothing for the victims but have mobilized for the murders.”

He said, “it makes me want to vomit. Yes. Vomit. You know that the Palestinian Authority doesn't meet the criteria for statehood. No Palestinian leader, not a single one of them has even condemned Hamas or their massacre. You prefer another rogue state and to hell with the Jewish state.”

“In the future,” Erdan said, “students will study the fall of the UN. They will learn of this organization's moral bankruptcy and blindness. They will be taught that your indifference and hypocrisy is what brought the UN crashing down.”

This is also, he said, “what will prompt the establishment of a new world institution. A force for good one with a strong moral compass, democratic values, a body that will refuse to give dictators a free pass and terrorists a lifeline.”

The Israeli Ambassador said, “mark my words the UN's days are numbered.”

On 29 November 2012, the General Assembly adopted a resolution granting to Palestine the status of non-member observer State in the United Nations.

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