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TRT: 4:29
19 MAY 2024, Trauma Stabilization Point (TSP), Tal Al Sultan area of Rafah
1 -Various shots, nurse applying bandage to patient
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Gaia Giletta, Nurse Activity Manager, MSF Belgium:
“This facility has been set up quite far out of the “humanitarian zone”; so, close to the active fight area in Rafah. And this is because the aim of the facility is to receive the patient as soon as possible from the place where they were injured to stabilize them and to transfer them to secondary hospitals and to increase their chance to reach the hospital alive and receive advanced care.”
3. Close up of medics treating patient
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Ryan Kerr, paramedic and nurse practitioner, Cadus NGO:
“The way it works is that patients are brought to us, mostly by ambulances, either through the Ministry of Health or the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. So those ambulances bring patients to us here at the trauma stabilization point. And then we do a rapid assessment and stabilize their injuries, treat any life threats, and then we refer them on if they need it to other hospitals in the area.”
5. Exterior shot, ambulance at the TSP
6. Various shots, Humanitarian and health workers inside the TSP
20 MAY 2024, International Medical Corps Hospital (IMC), Rafah
7. Med shot, patient carried out of the ambulance and into the hospital
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Yasmina Guerda, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA Gaza:
“Many have traumatic brain injuries, and thousands have lost their hearing capacity because of the constant explosions. Thousands of people are also waiting to be evacuated out of Gaza, and that's because they need higher levels of care, and they can't access it inside of Gaza because the health care system is on its knees.”
9. Various shots, inside the IMC hospital
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Yasmina Guerda, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA Gaza:
“There have been constant attacks against health care facilities, hospitals in particular, in direct violation of international humanitarian law. Across Gaza, there were 36 hospitals and now 24 are simply not functional at all. Twelve work partially. Humanitarian partners have opened nine field hospitals that have been providing care for the people injured by the war, but that is nowhere near enough.”
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Isra, 27 year old, health operator from Khan Younis:
“I work in a hospital. [The] Israel[is] told us to leave [the] hospital in [via] the “safe road”. Then we leave, and bombarded me in the road [that they said was] safe. Bombarded me, bombarded us, our team.”
12. Panning shot, International Medical Corps Hospital (IMC)
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Isra, 27 year old, health operator from Khan Younis:
“I hope to leave Gaza, and to complete my treatment outside Gaza.”
14. Med Shot, woman pushing a patient on a wheelchair
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Yasmina Guerda, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, OCHA Gaza
“To support the people maimed by this war we would need to be able to import wheelchairs, hearing aids, all kinds of assistive devices, prosthetics and that wouldn't even begin to address the permanent psychological pain and suffering that is caused to the women, the children and the men of Gaza because of the relentless airstrikes.”
Since October 7th 2023, tens of thousands were injured in Gaza.
With most hospitals in the strip closed or barely functioning, humanitarian partners have opened nine field hospitals that have been providing care for the people injured by the war, but that is nowhere near enough.