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Briefing the Security Council, Khaled Khiari, UN Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific, expressed "deep concern" over rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula. He warned that North Korea's continued nuclear and missile activities, in defiance of Security Council resolutions, undermine global disarmament efforts and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). UNIFEED

TRT: 05:16


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1. Wide shot, United Nations headquarters


2. Wide shot, Security Council
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Khaled Khiari, Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations:
“On 31 October, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced through its official news agency that it had launched a Hwasong-19 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at approximately 7:11 AM local time earlier that day. With a flight duration of one hour and 26 minutes, the missile flew a distance of approximately 1,000 kilometres, reaching an altitude of over 7,000 kilometres before falling into the sea. The DPRK described this latest launch as a “very crucial test” that “updated the recent records of the strategic missile capability of the DPRK”.
4. Med shot, Kim Song
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Khaled Khiari, Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations:
“We remain deeply concerned about growing tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK’s persistent pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes, in violation of relevant Security Council resolutions, continues to undermine the global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) that underpins it.”
6. Wide shot, Security Council
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, United States:
“Each test informs the DPRK of its capability gaps and allows Pyongyang to further advance its weapons programs. These are unacceptable attempts to undermine global peace and security and make us all less safe. This Council has a responsibility to hold the DPRK accountable. Yet we are here again today because two members of this council, China and Russia, have repeatedly shielded the DPRK, contributing to the normalization of these tests and emboldening the DPRK to further violate this Council's sanctions and resolutions.”
8. Med shot, Anna Evstigneeva
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Joonkook Hwang, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, the Republic of Korea:
“We already saw Russia dissolve the 1718 Committee Panel of Experts. Then, we also heard the Russian Foreign Minister saying that he considers the denuclearization of the DPRK to be a “closed case.” I have a very simple question: Cui bono? Obviously, it is the DPRK and Russia, who have been continuing their illegal arms deals. The DPRK is the only country that has conducted nuclear tests this century: Not once, but already six times.”
10. Wide shot, Security Council
11. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Anna Evstigneeva, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Russian Federation:
“It's not surprising that some members of the Security Council today once again repeated their speculations about the alleged deployment of certain North Korean military units to Russia. In reports from Western-controlled media, the numbers seem to grow day by day, likely in tandem with the increasing fear and anxiety in those countries. The UN Secretary-General also made a scandalous statement regarding these reports. It's surprising that, while currently playing along with Western countries in internationalizing the Ukrainian conflict, he has never expressed the same level of concern about the steadily expanding inventory of increasingly long-range Western weapons supplied to Ukraine, the discussions about whether it's permissible to strike deep into Russian territory, let alone the practice of sending NATO military personnel into the conflict zone in Ukraine.”
12. Wide shot, Security Council
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Kim Song, Ambassador to the United Nations, DPRK:
“I resolutely denounce the holding of another unlawful meeting by UN Security Council infringing upon legitimate sovereign rights of the DPRK at the instigation of the United States, and its followers.”
14. Wide shot, Security Council

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Briefing the Security Council, today (04 Nov) Khaled Khiari, UN Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific, expressed "deep concern" over rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula. He warned that North Korea's continued nuclear and missile activities, in defiance of Security Council resolutions, undermine global disarmament efforts and the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

On October 31, the DPRK launched a Hwasong-19 ICBM, marking what Pyongyang described as a “very crucial test” of its strategic missile capabilities. According to Khaled Khiari, the missile traveled about 1,000 kilometers over 86 minutes, reaching an altitude of over 7,000 kilometers before falling into the sea. Khiari noted the test “updated the recent records of the strategic missile capability of the DPRK.”

United States Representative Robert A. Wood emphasized the dangers posed by each DPRK missile test. “Each test informs the DPRK of its capability gaps and allows Pyongyang to further advance its weapons programs,” Wood said. “These are unacceptable attempts to undermine global peace and security and make us all less safe. This Council has a responsibility to hold the DPRK accountable.”

South Korea’s Ambassador to the UN, Joonkook Hwang said, “We already saw Russia dissolve the 1718 Committee Panel of Experts. Then, we also heard the Russian Foreign Minister saying that he considers the denuclearization of the DPRK to be a “closed case.” I have a very simple question: Cui bono? Obviously, it is the DPRK and Russia, who have been continuing their illegal arms deals. The DPRK is the only country that has conducted nuclear tests this century: Not once, but already six times.”

Russia's Deputy Representative Anna Evstigneeva said, “It's not surprising that some members of the Security Council today once again repeated their speculations about the alleged deployment of certain North Korean military units to Russia. In reports from Western-controlled media, the numbers seem to grow day by day, likely in tandem with the increasing fear and anxiety in those countries. The UN Secretary-General also made a scandalous statement regarding these reports. It's surprising that, while currently playing along with Western countries in internationalizing the Ukrainian conflict, he has never expressed the same level of concern about the steadily expanding inventory of increasingly long-range Western weapons supplied to Ukraine, the discussions about whether it's permissible to strike deep into Russian territory, let alone the practice of sending NATO military personnel into the conflict zone in Ukraine.”

DPRK’s Ambassador to the UN, Kim Song said, “I resolutely denounce the holding of another unlawful meeting by UN Security Council infringing upon legitimate sovereign rights of the DPRK at the instigation of the United States, and its followers.”

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