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The Security Council failed to adopt a resolution on the "immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire" in Gaza, with a veto from the United States. UNIFEED

TRT: 05:39


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1. Wide shot, United Nations headquarters


2. Wide shot, Security Council
3. UPSOUND (English) Barbara Woodward, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, United Kingdom:
“I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now. Will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document S/2024-835, please raise their hand? Those against? The result of the voting is as follows: 14 votes in favor, one vote against, zero abstentions. The draft resolution has not been adopted owing to the negative vote of a permanent member of the Council.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, United States:
“We made it clear throughout negotiations, we could not support an unconditional ceasefire that failed to release the hostages, because, as this Council has previously called for, a durable end to the war must come with the release of the hostages. These two urgent goals are inextricably linked. This resolution abandoned that necessity, and for that reason, the United States could not support it.”
5. Wide shot, Security Council
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs in the United Nations, United States:
“Let me say this clearly, there are still seven American citizens in the hands of Hamas. We will not forget them. For our part, we will continue to pursue a diplomatic solution, that brings peace, security and freedom to Palestinians in Gaza.”
7. Wide shot, Security Council
8. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Russian Federation:
“We do not need to be lectured by the United States on hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is what they exhibit every day in different conflicts; not respecting states sovereignty and shamelessly imposing their own rules and interfering with internal affairs which cost thousands of civilian lives as a result.”
9. Wide shot, Security Council
10. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vasily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Russian Federation:
“It was very interesting to hear the representative of the United States in the wake of the vote. For example, he said that the resolution does not contain provisions on the release of hostages. But it does contain such a provision. Perhaps, the US representative should read through the resolution before voting against it. He also stated the resolution does not have a condemnation of the attack on the October 7. I’d like to remind our American colleagues here that it was the United States who on the October 18, 2023, vetoed a Security Council resolution which had a condemnation of the October 7 attack.”
11. Wide shot, Security Council
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Majed Bamya, Deputy Permanent Observer to the United Nations, the State of Palestine:
“There is no right to mass killing of civilians. There is no right to starve an entire civilian population. There is no right to forcibly displace a people. And there is no right to annexation. This is what Israel is doing in Gaza.”
13. Close up, Israeli Ambassador
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Majed Bamya, Deputy Permanent Observer to the United Nations, the State of Palestine:
“Maybe for some we have a wrong nationality, the wrong face, the wrong skin color, but we are humans. And we should be treated as such. Is there a UN Charter for Israel that is different from the UN charter you all have? Tell us. Is there an international law for them and international law for us? Do they have a right to kill and the only right we have is the right to die?”
15. Close up, American and Russian Representatives
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Danny Danon, Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Israel:
“I listened to your speech very carefully, and you mention a future with no pain and no suffering, but you have not mentioned one word during your speech. I listened very carefully. What about Hamas? You have to include in your speech a future for Gaza with no Hamas, you cannot describe a world, a reality and not mentioning the reason we are sitting in this room today. The brutality of Hamas and the pain people in Gaza are suffering because of Hamas.”
17. Wide shot, Security Council
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Danny Danon, Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Israel:
“Israel will continue to defend itself. We will never abandon our hostages . You have to understand that. Look at your values and understand why we will never forget it. We will never stop fighting for their freedom. If Hamas will to release the hostages and surrender the weapons, not one more shot would need to be fired.”
19. Wide shot, end of Security Council meeting
20. Wide shot, ambassador Danon walks to the stakeout area
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Danny Danon, Permanent Representative to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Israel:
“I absolutely expect the US to veto the resolution. You know, when you look at the language of the resolution and the position the US took since October 7, I don't see a way that the US cannot veto such language.”
22. Wide shot, ambassador leaves the stakeout area

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The United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for an "immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire" in Gaza. The draft resolution, supported by 14 Council members, was blocked by the U.S., citing its omission of provisions linking a ceasefire to the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Explaining the U.S. position, Robert A. Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs, said, “We made it clear throughout negotiations, we could not support an unconditional ceasefire that failed to release the hostages, because, as this Council has previously called for, a durable end to the war must come with the release of the hostages. These two urgent goals are inextricably linked.”

He added, “There are still seven American citizens in the hands of Hamas. We will not forget them. For our part, we will continue to pursue a diplomatic solution, that brings peace, security, and freedom to Palestinians in Gaza.”

Russia’s Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya criticized the U.S. decision, stating, “Hypocrisy is what they exhibit every day in different conflicts; not respecting states' sovereignty and shamelessly imposing their own rules and interfering with internal affairs which cost thousands of civilian lives as a result.”

Nebenzya also dismissed the U.S. rationale, arguing that the resolution did include provisions for hostage release and condemned the U.S. for an earlier veto of a resolution addressing the October 7 attacks. He remarked, “Perhaps, the U.S. representative should read through the resolution before voting against it.”

Majed Bamya, the Deputy Permanent Observer of Palestine, condemned Israeli actions in Gaza, asserting, “There is no right to mass killing of civilians. There is no right to starve an entire civilian population. There is no right to forcibly displace a people. And there is no right to annexation.”

Bamya critiqued the perceived double standards. He asked, “Maybe for some we have a wrong nationality, the wrong face, the wrong skin color, but we are humans. And we should be treated as such. Is there a UN Charter for Israel that is different from the UN charter you all have?”

Israel’s Permanent Representative Danny Danon countered by accusing the resolution’s proponents of ignoring Hamas’s actions. Danon said, “What about Hamas? You have to include in your speech a future for Gaza with no Hamas. You cannot describe a world, a reality, and not mention the reason we are sitting in this room today.”

Speaking to reporters before the vote, Danon said he fully expected the U.S. to veto the resolution. He stated,“When you look at the language of the resolution and the position the U.S. took since October 7, I don’t see a way that the U.S. cannot veto such language.”

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