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China’s Ambassador Fu Cong expressed opposition to increased tariffs by the United States, rejected accusations related to fentanyl trade, the Panama Canal and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and said China and the US, “as two biggest countries, we don't need to fight each other. We need to work together.” UNIFEED

TRT: 03:40


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1. Wide shot, exterior UN Headquarters


2. Wide shot, press room dais
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“We are firmly opposed to this unwarranted increase. And we do believe that this is in violation of the WTO rules. So, that's why China is filing a complaint at the WTO, and we may be forced to take countermeasures. And let me also emphasise that there is no winner in a trade war. And we do hope that the US would look at its own problems, really solve this. Find a solution that is beneficial. Not only to himself and also to the whole world. And, frankly speaking, I don't think that, raising tariffs is beneficial to the US itself.”
4. Wide shot, press room dais
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“China is one of the countries that has the most stringent regulations on fentanyl. Actually, we have, regulations on all fentanyl related substances. Actually, China is the only country that put the whole category of fentanyl related substance under regulation.”
6. Wide shot, press room dais
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“I think the accusation against China is totally false, is groundless. Let me emphasise that China has not, participated in the management and operation, Panama Canal and has never interfered in canal affairs. China respect Panama sovereignty over the canal and recognises the canal as permanent, neutral international gateway.”
8. Wide shot, press room dais
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“Within this house, China and the US are the two biggest financial, contributors, to the UN. So, it is only natural that our two countries have some similar concerns on how to enhance the efficiency of the Secretariat and the UN's work. So, there are many things that China and the US can work together. And I do hope that despite all the rhetorics that we have heard from the American politicians, we can take a constructive, and I will emphasise a professional approach to our work.”
10. Wide shot, press room dais
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“Technological containment and technological restriction do not work. I think that is a lesson that the whole world should learn, in particular the US should learn. And, I've said this before, and I'm going to say this again. Never, ever underestimate the ingenuity of the Chinese scientists and engineers.”
12. Wide shot, press room dais
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Fu Cong, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, China:
“Our mission here is to build bridges between our two countries. And then, if there is a possibility our two countries can work together to improve the life of the people of the whole world and to improve the situation. As I said, the world is entering a very turbulent period. So as two biggest countries, we don't need to fight each other. We need to work together.”
14. Wide shot, end of briefing

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China’s Ambassador Fu Cong today (3 Feb) expressed opposition to increased tariffs by the United States, rejected accusations related to fentanyl trade, the Panama Canal and Artificial Intelligence (AI), and said China and the US, “as two biggest countries, we don't need to fight each other. We need to work together.”

Speaking to journalists in New York at the start of China’s presidency of the Security Council, Fu said, “we are firmly opposed to this unwarranted increase. And we do believe that this is in violation of the WTO rules. So, that's why China is filing a complaint at the WTO, and we may be forced to take countermeasures.”

The Chinese Ambassador emphasized that “there is no winner in a trade war,” and said, “we do hope that the US would look at its own problems, really solve this. Find a solution that is beneficial. Not only to himself and also to the whole world. And, frankly speaking, I don't think that, raising tariffs is beneficial to the US itself.”

On the alleged reason for imposing a 10 percent tariff on Chinese product, Fu said, “China is one of the countries that has the most stringent regulations on fentanyl. Actually, we have, regulations on all fentanyl related substances. Actually, China is the only country that put the whole category of fentanyl related substance under regulation.”

On allegations that China controls the Panama Canal, he said, “the accusation against China is totally false, is groundless. Let me emphasise that China has not, participated in the management and operation, Panama Canal and has never interfered in canal affairs. China respect Panama sovereignty over the canal and recognises the canal as permanent, neutral international gateway.”

Fu made a call for finding common ground with the US and said, “within this house, China and the US are the two biggest financial, contributors, to the UN. So, it is only natural that our two countries have some similar concerns on how to enhance the efficiency of the Secretariat and the UN's work. So, there are many things that China and the US can work together. And I do hope that despite all the rhetorics that we have heard from the American politicians, we can take a constructive, and I will emphasise a professional approach to our work.”

On the issue of artificial intelligence and the Chinese start up DeepSeek, the Ambassador said, “technological containment and technological restriction do not work. I think that is a lesson that the whole world should learn, in particular the US should learn. And, I've said this before, and I'm going to say this again. Never, ever underestimate the ingenuity of the Chinese scientists and engineers.”

Insisting on cooperation with the United States, he said, “our mission here is to build bridges between our two countries. And then, if there is a possibility our two countries can work together to improve the life of the people of the whole world and to improve the situation. As I said, the world is entering a very turbulent period. So as two biggest countries, we don't need to fight each other. We need to work together.”

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