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On the second anniversary of the Syrian conflict, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres highlights the challenges facing Syrian refugees inLebanon. UNHCR


TRT: 2.44


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1. Various shots Ketermaya tented settlement
2. Med shot, backs of refugee women sitting
3. Med shot, refuge girl stands outside of tent
4. Various shots, settlement
5. Wide shot, refugees cooking
6. Wide shot, UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres arrival
7. Wide shot, High Commissioner greets refugees
8. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees and (Arabic) Syrian Refugee:
-AG (English) What I would like is to listen to you, if you could tell me what has happened, why did you come, how is it on the way and also the difficulties that you are having right now.?
-SR: “We set up in this land, it was winter, and we made a camp here, many more families came.”
-AG: “These are very difficult conditions, I think the Lebanese people and the Lebanese Government have been generous keeping the borders open.”
9. Various shots, refugees
10. Med shot, High Commissioner listening to refugees
SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR: “By the end of the year we will have probably one million refugees in Lebanon and the same in Jordan and the same in Turkey and that is a very strong reason together with all the suffering that the Syrian people is enduring in Syria itself, it is a very strong reason for all those that have political responsibilities to do everything they can to stop this war, to stop this conflict.”
11. Wide shot, High Commissioner speaking to Bushra
12. Close up, Bushra’s face
13. Med shot, Bushra speaking to High Commissioner
14. Close up, Bushra’s face
15. Close up, Bushra’s daughter
16. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Bushra, refugee and (English)António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees:
-B: (Arabic) “My husband has been missing for a year. I have no news of him.
-AG (English) “But you still hope that he is alive?”
-B (Arabic) “I feel that in my heart he is still alive”
-AG (English) “I hope so, that he will come back.”
17. Various shots, High Commissioner in UNHCR Registration Centre, Tripoli
18. Various shots, refugees at Ketermaya tented settlement

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In the heart of Mount Lebanon sits this cluster of tents home to over 15 Syrian refugee families.

Unable to afford rent in the nearby town, they built this settlement.

Facilities are basic there’s no running water meals are cooked over hot coals electricity is occasional.

During his visit to Lebanon, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres made of point of visiting this group of refugees.

. SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees and (Arabic) Syrian Refugee:
-AG (English) What I would like is to listen to you, if you could tell me what has happened, why did you come, how is it on the way and also the difficulties that you are having right now.?
-SR: “We set up in this land, it was winter, and we made a camp here, many more families came.”
-AG: “These are very difficult conditions, I think the Lebanese people and the Lebanese Government have been generous keeping the borders open.”

With the number of refugees growing by thousands every day, the High Commissioner said a political solution had to be found.

SOUNDBITE (English) António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR: “By the end of the year we will have probably one million refugees in Lebanon and the same in Jordan and the same in Turkey and that is a very strong reason, together with all the suffering that the Syrian people are enduring in Syria itself, it is a very strong reason for all those that have political responsibilities to do everything they can to stop this war, to stop this conflict.”

At a community centre in Tripoli, North Lebanon Guterres met Bushra, the one millionth Syrian refugee registered by UNHCR.

Bushra spoke of the difficulties of her life in Lebanon, a young mother alone with two children.

SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Bushra, refugee and (English)António Guterres, High Commissioner for Refugees:
-B: (Arabic) “My husband has been missing for a year. I have no news of him.
-AG (English) “But you still hope that he is alive?”
-B (Arabic) “I feel that in my heart he is still alive”
-AG (English) “I hope so, that he will come back.”

In Tripoli, Guterres visited a UNHCR registration centre.

Here an all-out effort is being made to register refugees quickly. Over 750 families a day.

Syrian refugees in Lebanon now make up 10 percent of the country’s population; the pressure to meet their needs is stretching resources to the limit.

On this the second anniversary of the Syrian conflict, in Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey and Iraq refugees wait, wait for something to change that might allow them to go home.

A sombre reminder that the suffering of Syrian refugees is far from over.

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