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The United Nations Forum on Forests kicked off its tenth session today in Istanbul, Turkey, with calls for action at all levels to promote the health of a vital resource that covers nearly a third of the globe and provides an invaluable variety of social, economic and environmental benefits. UNTV 

TRT: 1.40


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1. Wide shot, Istanbul Bosporus
2. Wide shot, Istanbul
3. Various shots, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan walking to podium
4. Med shot, Croatia delegation
5. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey:
"If the process we call growth and development continues in this way, we will not have a liveable world for ourselves and our children."
6. Wide shot, UN Forest Forum Podium
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Wu Hongbo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs:
"Our collective aim, to halt disforestation and forest degradation and enhance sustainable forest management, will increase economic, social and environmental benefits, to all of society."
8. Med shot, audience
9. Wide shot, Wu walks away from the podium
10. Med shot, audience applause
11. Wide shot, press conference dais
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Jan McAlpine, Director of the Secretariat for the UN Forum on Forests:
"The biggest challenge, however, is how do we maintain a balance. I believe the Under-Secretary-General this morning made the very important point that we need to have sustainable use of trees and in order to live and to work for a livelihood for the people who live in and around forests."
13. Wide shot, press conference dais

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The vital role of forests in global development and people’s lives as well as protecting these resources for future generations are at the heart of discussions at the Forum on Forests, senior officials said today (8 April), as the United Nations body began its current session In Istanbul, Turkey.

Discussions are under way at the international level on a global development agenda beyond 2015, the deadline for achieving the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Tayyip Erdogan, the host county’s Prime Minister, warned of dire consequences if significant action is not taken.

SOUNDBITE (Turkish), Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey:
"If the process we call growth and development continues in this way, we will not have a liveable world for ourselves and our children."

The Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, Wu Hongbo, pointed out that halting deforestation will produce economic benefits.

SOUNDBITE (English), Wu Hongbo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs:
"Our collective aim, to halt deforestation and forest degradation and enhance sustainable forest management, will increase economic, social and environmental benefits, to all of society."

The UN Forum on Forests serves as a platform for policy development and international cooperation on forests. The main theme of the Forum, which meets for two weeks, is "Forests for Economic Development". Experts from across the globe are considering policies and programmes to make forests a sustainable resource for all and an important tool in resolving broader economic, social and environmental challenges.

At a side event press conference today, the Director of the Secretariat for the UN Forum on Forests, Jan McAlpine, highlighted the importance of a sustainable use of forest resources.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jan McAlpine, Director of the Secretariat for the UN Forum on Forests:
"The biggest challenge, however, is how do we maintain a balance. I believe the Under-Secretary-General this morning made the very important point that we need to have sustainable use of trees and in order to live and to work for a livelihood for the people who live in and around forests."

During the Forum, delegates will have a chance to exchange ideas and experiences in using the forest in a sustainable way, but also to learn about the prevention of forest fires and the preservation of flora and fauna.

Forests continue to be over-exploited, cleared for agriculture, causing many adverse environmental and economic consequences, yet some countries like Turkey lead the way to a rise in reforestation. Turkey increased its forests from 5.2 million hectares to 22 million hectares - roughly the size of Belgium.

Member States are also discussing the creation of a set of sustainable development goals (SDGs), as agreed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held last year in Brazil.

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