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TRT: 4.45
1. Wide shot, street corner of the area Ti Savann in Carrefour Feuille
2. Close up, car tires in which vegetables are growing
3. Med shot, Roof of a house where vegetables are growing in recycled car tires
4. Close up, vegetables in car tires
5. Wide shot, community garden where plants are growing in car tires
6. Close up, growing vegetables
7. Med shot, farmers taking care of the garden
8. Close up, farmer
9. Wide shot, nursery
10. Close up, seedlings
11. Close up, Ernesia BOSS receiving seedlings
12. Close up, seedlings in the hand of Ernesia BOSS
13. Med shot, gardener giving seedlings to Ernesia BOSS
14. Close up, putting earth in seedling
15. Close up, Ernesia Boss putting a seedling in the ground
16. Med shot, Ernesia Boss putting a seedling in the ground
17. Wide shot, Ernesia Boss and the gardener watering the seedlings
18. Close up, growing seedlings
19. Close up, Ernesia Boss, taking care about her garden
20. Close up, Ernesia Boss picking an egg plant
21. Wide shot, Ernesia Boss leaving
22. SOUNDBITE (Creole) Ernesia Boss, Beneficiary:
"Sometimes I wake up in the morning, I have bread with which I could make a soup for the children, but I had to buy vegetables. Since I have now the garden, I can just take them. This improves the living conditions of the children and of the whole family too. "
23. Wide shot, farmers taking care of their garden
24. Close up, harvest of a vegetable
25. Med shot, Ernesia Boss reaping vegetables
26. Close up, Ernesia Boss
27. Close up, reaping a vegetable in the garden
28. Close up, vegetables being cleaned
29. Wide shot, gardener who is cleaning its vegetables
30. Close up, growing seedlings
31. Wide shot, community garden close to the houses
32. Close up, seedlings in recycled car tires
33. SOUNDBITE (Creole) Peleg Charles, Media and communication officer, OXFAM:
"We see success in other countries who used to combat food insecurity with urban agriculture. On one side we help to improve food insecurity in the households and on the other side we help the population to participate in the protection of the environment. "
34. Pan left, view of the community garden
35. Close up, little girl
37. Wide shot, ladies sitting around the community garden
38. Med shot, people sitting
39. Wide shot, people sitting next to the garden
40. Wide shot, community garden
41. Wide shot, community garden
42. SOUNDBITE (Creole) Henri Felisme, Community Leader "Repo men anpil chay palou":
"First, if a person is jobless, it is also vulnerable. Every day, the person gets up having in his mind that there is nothing to eat and that may stress. Second, look at the beneficiary who comes into his garden, with its limited resources at its disposal, and he/she finds vegetables growing. Third, the farmers retain what they sell during the fair; the income from the individual sale can reach up to 25 US to 30 US."
43. Close up, lady cleaning a vegetable
44. Med shot, lady cleaning a vegetable
45. Med shot, lady picking tomatoes
46. Close up, lady picking tomatoes
47. Med shot, lady picking tomatoes
48. Close up, tomatoes in the hands of a lady
49. Close up, hand picking carrots
50. Wide shot, lady picking carrots
51. Close up, lady cleaning carrots
52. SOUNDBITE (Creole) Ernesia Boss, beneficiary:
"From what is growing in my garden I could also sell. At the moment I am only consuming. Now I need to find products to sell. I could organize myself with my children. Soon, I'd like to have from my garden more profit - for food and for sale. "
53. Wide shot, family preparing to eat
54. Close up, fire stove
55. Close up, hand of Ernesia preparing vegetables to be cooked
56. Close up, Ernesia preparing vegetables to be cooked
57. Close up, vegetables prepared to be boiled
58. Close up, lady
59. Wide shot, Ernesia preparing the food
60. Tilt down, garden at the yard of the house
61. Close up, cleaning growing seedlings
62. Close up, lady taking care of her seedlings
63. Wide shot, two ladies taking care of the garden
64. Close up, a seedling
65. Wide shot, Ernesia and her family leaving
"Ti Savanne", is a district of Carrefour Feuille in Haiti and it is undergoing some major changes. It’s becoming greener.
For some months now recycled car tires can be found on the roofs and gardens of homes from which all kinds of vegetables and spices are growing.
A project called "Urban agriculture" was launched in September 2012 by Oxfam and its local partners “Cos Pam "and" Repo men anpil chay palou”.
The main objective was to fight against food insecurity in this disadvantaged area.
A nursery was set up with the support of the workers from the area. OXFAM bought seeds, seedlings and agricultural tools and in January 2013 the first seedlings were ready to be given to the people of Ti Savanne.
Among them single mother Ernesia Boss was selected to participate in this pilot project.
Ernesia received theoretical and practical training to grow the plants in a car tire and 3 months later Ernesia started reaping the vegetables in the community garden of Ti Savanne.
SOUNDBITE (Creole) Ernesia Boss, beneficiary:
"Sometimes I wake up in the morning, I have bread with which I could make a soup for the children, but I had to buy vegetables. Since I have now the garden, I can just take them. This improves the living conditions of the children and of the whole family too. "
According to the National Commission for Food Security (CNSA), food insecurity is on the rise in Haiti following last year's hurricanes and drought.
The situation got even worse for those people who had problems before getting enough food. For Oxfam, the development of urban agriculture can offer an alternative to this problem.
SOUNDBITE (Creole) Peleg Charles, Media and communication officer OXFAM:
"We see success in other countries that used to combat food insecurity with urban agriculture. On one side we help to improve food insecurity in the households and on the other side we help the population to participate in the protection of the environment."
About a hundred people, the majority are women and 10 men, are the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project in Ti Savanne.
In other areas of Carrefour Feuille like Campeche and Pingue, OXFAM also established nurseries and a community gardens from which a total of 250 families have been benefiting.
For this project 5,738 recycled car tires and 62,187 seedlings were purchased by OXFAM. And already there are signs that the project is already a success.
SOUNDBITE (Creole) Henri Felisme, Community Leader "Repo men anpil chay palou":
"First, if a person is jobless, it is also vulnerable. Every day, the person gets up having in his mind that there is nothing to eat and that may stress. Second, look at the beneficiary who comes into his garden, with its limited resources at its disposal, and he/she finds vegetables growing. Third, the farmers retain what they sell during the fair; the income from the individual sale can reach up to 25 US to 30 US."
Herbs and 10 different kinds of vegetables such as tomatoes, beets, carrots and egg plants are growing in the urban gardens. They are mainly an alternative for enhancing food security and access to a means of livelihood.
SOUNDBITE (Creole) Ernesia Boss, beneficiary:
"From what is growing in my garden I could also sell. At the moment I am only consuming. Now I need to find products to sell. I could organize myself with my children. Soon, I'd like to have from my garden more profit - for food and for sale."
For Ernesia who lives with five children, and without a big income, urban agriculture has a blessing.
During the two years the project will last, Ernesia will have no expenses she’ll get the seeds and car tires for free. And in the next phase, Ernesia would like to begin with her backyard garden. Meanwhile she learns from her neighbor how to manage this.
Currently, negotiations are underway with the CNSA to sign an agreement with Oxfam and its local partners on the ground to build up the capacity of farmers and to increase their production through the project which should spread also to other difficult areas in Haiti.