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The Security Council called for a full, thorough and independent international investigation into the downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over eastern Ukraine. UNIFEED - UNTV

TRT: 3.05


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1. Wide shot, exterior United Nations headquarters


2. Various shots, moment of silence
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs:
“The Secretary-General strongly condemns this apparently deliberate downing of a civilian aircraft. This horrifying incident serves as the starkest reminder of how dire the situation in eastern Ukraine has become, and how it affects countries and families well beyond Ukraine's borders. Nearly 300 innocent people from many countries, some of whom are represented by members of this Council, were killed. The casualties include a member of the United Nations family, from the World Health Organization. And I was shocked to learn just now that nearly two thirds of the victims came from the Netherlands and that there were 80 children on board that flight.”
4. Med shot, Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Samantha Power, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations:
“Only the SA-11, SA-20, and SA-22 SAM systems are capable of hitting an aircraft at this flight’s altitude of 33,000 feet. We can rule out shorter-range SAMs known to be in separatist hands, including MANPADS, SA-8 and SA-13 systems, which are not capable of hitting an aircraft at this altitude. Early Thursday, an SA-11 SAM system was reported near Snizhne by a Western reporter and separatists were spotted hours before the incident with an SA-11 system at a location close to the site where the plane came down.”
6. Med shot, Ukrainian Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev
7. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Vitaly Churkin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations:
“It would seem that there should be an investigation, not only of this disaster, but also the extent to which the Ukrainian aviation authorities carried out their obligations and did everything necessary so as to ensure that the military campaign of Kiev would prevent disasters from occurring. Today Kiev declared a full closure of the airspace for the conducting of the so-called anti-terrorist operations. Why couldn’t this have been done earlier, not waiting for hundreds of victims to perish?”
8. Med shot, American Ambassador Samantha Power
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Yuriy Sergeyev, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations:
“To target and shoot down a plain at such high altitude of ten kilometres would only be possible by using sophisticated antiaircraft systems such as SA-11, known as Buk, or similar. It was confirmed both by radio interceptions of terrorists and by photo and video recordings from citizens of the local cities that the terrorists have at least two SA systems. The question is where they got these sophisticated systems from?”
10. Zoom out, Security Council

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The Security Council today (18 July) called for a full, thorough and independent international investigation into the downing of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane over eastern Ukraine

After a moment of silence, the Council heard a briefing from Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman who said “this horrifying incident serves as the starkest reminder of how dire the situation in eastern Ukraine has become, and how it affects countries and families well beyond Ukraine's borders.”

Feltman noted that World Health Organization (WHO) Communications Officer, Glenn Thomas was among the victims in the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine and that there were also “80 children on board that flight.”

US Ambassador Samantha Power told the Council that an SA-11 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system, capable of downing a commercial aircraft flying at high altitudes had been reported “near Snizhne by a Western reporter, and separatists were spotted hours before the incident with an SA-11 system at a location close to the site where the plane came down.”

She also said that separatists had initially claimed responsibility and boasted on social media about shooting down a plane, but later deleted these messages.

Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said that the investigation should also look into “the extent to which the Ukrainian aviation authorities carried out their obligations and did everything necessary so as to ensure that the military campaign of Kiev would prevent disasters from occurring.”

Churkin said that “today Kiev declared a full closure of the airspace for the conducting of the so-called anti-terrorist operations” and asked “why couldn’t this have been done earlier, not waiting for hundreds of victims to perish?”

For his part, Ukrainian Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev also offered evidence that the separatists possessed antiaircraft systems capable of shooting down the Malaysian Airlines flights. He said, “the question is where they got these sophisticated systems from?”

According to a UN spokesman the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), has offered Ukraine its investigative capacity in order to put together an international team.

UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, today expressed its deep sadness over the loss of life of those aboard the flight. It is believe that many of the passengers – including some of the finest academics, heath care workers and activists in the AIDS response – are believed to have been on their way to take part in the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia. UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé said that the deaths of so many committed people working against HIV will be a great loss for the AIDS response.

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