UN Headquarters

Survivors, Victims and Perpetrators Exhibit at UNHQ

Survivors, Victims and Perpetrators Exhibit at UNHQ

The exhibition ""Survivors, Victims and Perpetrators" commemorates the victims and honours the survivors of the Holocaust. One section focuses on the Wannsee Conference, its participants and the Nazi persecution policies that led to the deportations of Jews from all over Europe and their subsequent murder. The other section features striking photographic portraits of Holocaust survivors to illustrate the human dimension of suffering that lies behind the bleak statistics.
The two part exhibition pays tribute to the Holocaust survivors while shedding light on the Wannsee Conference and its larger historical implications.
The exhibition is organized by the House of the Wannsee Conference Memorial and Educational Site and the "Lest We Forget" arts and remembrance project, with support from the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, in collaboration with the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme.
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UN Photo/Manuel Elías


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