

On the Homepage, for each story the following information is listed:

  • headline and synopsis
  • date and duration
  • contributing agency
  • full script
  • links to broadcast quality downloads

If you want to look at a preview of the piece, and read through/download the full script, you can do so by clicking on the headline, synopsis or frame of the story.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I watch the preview ?

For the preview, you need to have the Adobe Flash plugin installed. The Flash plugin is freely available and can be downloaded and installed here*.

Why is the quality of the preview sometimes bad (for older material) ?

The Unifeed service has evolved from offering previews in Real format, over Windows Media to Flash video. As multimedia capabilities evolve, resolutions and bandwidth today has increased compared to material encoded in the first years of our service.

How can I download the high quality files ?

High resolution broadcast quality downloads are only available to registered users, you will be required to register, and login. When logged in, under ‘downloads’ you’ll find two buttons, allowing you to download an NTSC and PAL version.

How can I get a job with Unifeed ?

For employment opportunities with the United Nations, please refer to the jobs website:

On RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based format for distributing and aggregating Web content (such as news headlines).

Using RSS, Web content providers can easily create and disseminate feeds of data that include, for example, news links, headlines, and summaries.

Unifeed provides a feed of the last 12 news videos produced.

How do I consume an RSS feed ?

There are several ways to access RSS feeds. You can install news-reader (RSS reader) software to collect headlines from RSS Feeds you select, allowing you to view a variety of headlines from the Web.

After installing the news reader, you can add each feed manually from our site by clicking on the link or RSS button  (example button) next to the feed.

If you would prefer not to download software, you can use a web-based RSS Feed reader, of your choice.

This RSS feed is a free service offered by UNifeed for broadcasters. Any other uses or modifications of the content are strictly prohibited.

Problems with JavaScript

Some browsers have security settings that are aimed at protecting users against malicious JavaScript programs. If that is the case, usually, the browser will disable the scripts necessary for this website to function properly.

* This site contains links and references to third-party web sites. The linked sites are not under the control of the United Nations, and the United Nations is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. The United Nations provides these links only as a convenience, and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by the United Nations.