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Turkish President Erdogan stressed that it has received more than 150,000 Syrian refugees in the last five days and said that Turkey is "one of the most generous countries in the world." Speaking at the General Assembly in New York, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez briefed about the financial obstacles facing her country and noted the room for financial improvement for Argentina drafted in the recently approved General Assembly resolution on an international legal framework to help regulate the sovereign debt of nations. UNIFEED-UNTV.

TRT: 05:05


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1. Wide shot, exterior, United Nations Headquarters
2. Various shots, US President Barack Obama addresses world leaders before the high-level lunch
3. Various shots, US President Barack Obama cheers with world leaders and the UN Secretary-General
4. Wide shot, podium of the General Assembly room
5. Med shot, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the podium at the General Assembly room
6. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey:
“We do not approve any kind of terrorism that is supposedly carried out in the name of religion. We believe that such action is a strong disrespect to all religions. And we strongly condemn coupling Islam –which means peace – with terrorism.”
7. Med shot, delegates at the General Assembly room
8. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey:
“Turkey also embraced 30,0000 Yazidis who were fleeing Iraq. And just before coming here to New York, Turkey open its borders to Kurds escaping from Syria. And it was Turkey that provided them with humanitarian aid. Only in the last 5 days, the number of Syrian refugees who have entered our country has exceeded 150,000.”
9. Med shot, Turkish delegation applauding
10. SOUNDBITE (Turkish) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey:
“And I’m proud to say that Turkey allocates 21,000 of its national income to humanitarian aid and, as such, [it] has become one of the most generous countries around the world. And in addition, thanks to the experience that we have gained thorough history, we have always kept our objectivity regarding terrorism, sectarian conflicts and other types of crisis and we have always based our approach in defending and protecting rights.”
11. Wide shot, podium of the General Assembly
12. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Cristina Fernández, President of Argentina:
“Today, Argentina, with the support of the judicial system of this country, is now dealing with these vulture funds.” Who do these vulture funds represent? The 1 percent which did not entered into the restructuring in 2005.”
13. Wide shot, General Assembly room
14. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Cristina Fernández, President of Argentina:
“And now, they are setting up an obstacle to those who trust in Argentina, the 92.4 percent. And for that reason, I welcome the fact that this General Assembly has taken the bull by the horns. I hope that between this year and next year, before once again the General Assembly in 2015 is held, I hope that by then we will be able to build, because that’s what we are talking about. I hope we will be able to build active and constructive multilateralism. We can achieve that restructuring sovereign debt regulatory framework, so no other country goes through what Argentina is now going through, a country that has the capacity to pay, the will to pay and that is going to pay its debt, despite these vulture funds.”
15. Med shot, delegates
16. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Cristina Fernández, President of Argentina:
“It is truly a destabilizing factor in the economy. It’s almost economic and financial terrorism, because we don’t just refer as terrorists to those who set bombs, there are also economic terrorists, those who destabilize the economy of a country and create poverty, misery and hunger through the sin of speculation.
17. Wide shot, delegates at the General Assembly room

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed that his country has received more than 150,000 Syrian refugees in the last five days and said that Turkey is "one of the most generous countries in the world."

Speaking at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, Erdogan said today (24 Sep) that Turkey has become the third largest host country of Syrian refugees, after Lebanon and Jordan. He noted that his country recently received 30,0000 Yazidis fleeing from extremist groups in Iraq.

The Turkish leader also said that his country has opened its doors to Kurds escaping from Syria. "It was Turkey that provided them with humanitarian aid."

Erdogan rejected terrorist acts supposedly carried out in the name of religion and “strongly condemned coupling Islam –which means peace – with terrorism."

The Turkish President praised the humanitarian effort being done by his country which currently hosts 1.5 million Syrian refugees, along with Iraqi and Palestinian refugees.

He said he was "proud to say that Turkey allocates 21,000 of its national income to humanitarian aid" and noted that turkey has become "one of the most generous countries in the world."

Erdogan said that his country fought terrorism itself for 30 years and stressed that Turkey has always based its approach in "defending and protecting rights.”

Argentinian President Cristina Fernández said her country had experienced a massive economic and financial crisis when it was forced to default on its sovereign debt in 2001.

She said that Argentina was suffering the effects of a New York City Court ruling in favor of the 1 percent of the country’s creditors.

Fernandez said “today, Argentina, with the support of the judicial system of this country, is now dealing with these vulture funds.” Who do these vulture funds represent? The 1 percent which did not entered into the restructuring in 2005.”

She welcomed the recently approved General Assembly resolution establishing a multilateral legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring processes.

Fernández hoped that before the start of the 70th session of the General Assembly, in 2015, Argentina will have been able to “build active and constructive multilateralism. We can achieve that restructuring sovereign debt regulatory framework, so no other country goes through what Argentina is now going through, a country that has the capacity to pay, the will to pay and that is going to pay its debt, despite these vulture funds.”

Referring to the “vulture funds”, the Argentinian leader said that they have become a “truly a destabilizing factor in the economy.” She said that “it is almost economic and financial terrorism, because we don’t just refer as terrorists to those who set bombs, there are also economic terrorists, those who destabilize the economy of a country and create poverty, misery and hunger through the sin of speculation.”

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